性味與歸經 :辛、甘,溫。歸脾、胃經。
功能與主治 :理氣止痛,開郁醒脾;外用祛濕消腫。用于脘腹脹滿,食欲不振,嘔吐;外用治牙痛,腳氣腫毒。
PropertiesSweet, acrid; warm.
FunctionsRegulates qi, relieves pain, relieves constraint, arouses the spleen. Apply to cold and qi stagnation of middle-jiao, disharmonized spleen and stomach, anorexia, vomiting, externally used to toothache.
This product is for aromatherapy only, not for any medical purposes, please do not take it (not edible).
甘松37.5g包 Chinese Nardostachys Root and Rhizome 37.5g Package